What is C Language?

    What is 'C' Language?

  • C is a Programming Language.

  • C language was developed at AT & T’s Bell Laboratories in USA in 1972.

  • C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie.

  • It is used to write the programs and execute them.

  • C language is high level language but sometimes its called as Middle Level Language because it combines elements of high level languages with the functionalism of assembly language.

  • Code written in C language is very portable.

  • Most of part of UNIX(multi-user operating system) is written in ‘C’.

        Why should we learn C                              language?

• The Learning of C Language will encourage you to develop your own logic.
• It will prepare you for the advanced programming tools.
• Programming in ‘C’ is the first step if you would like to be a good programmer.
• It is also ideal for System level programming.
• The basic concepts and programming skills of ‘C’ are used in C++, C# and JAVA.
• Lots of device drivers are made in C language.
• To create powerful graphics and smooth running games we used C language.
• You can also refer to my C Language Tutorial video Series on Youtube by clicking on link given below:


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