What is Token in C Language?
What is Token in C
Tokens are nothing but an element
used to build any C program.
• It is categorized in different
types like Keywords, Identifier, Strings, Constants, and Operator etc.
What is Keyword?
• Keywords are nothing but a
words whose meaning is already defined to C compiler.
There 32 Keywords in C.
It is also called as Reserved
What is Identifier?
· Identifier
is nothing but the element of program which is being user defined elements.
· Variables
and function name are nothing but an identifier because they are created by
user they are not pre-defined.
· Meaning
of identifier is not defined to compiler and that’s why they get differ from
What is String?
· String is nothing but array of
Character which has end character ‘\0’ null.
This Null character of string
states that String has reached to its end.
String always enclosed within
double quotes (“”).
Array is used to store string in C
Example:- char name[4]=”Welcome To
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