What is Token in C Language?

What is Token in C

       Tokens are nothing but an element used to build any C program.

  It is categorized in different types like Keywords, Identifier, Strings, Constants, and Operator etc.

  What is Keyword?

     Keywords are nothing but a words whose meaning is already defined to C compiler.

       There 32 Keywords in C.

       It is also called as Reserved Words.

What is Identifier?

·    Identifier is nothing but the element of program which is being user defined elements.

·    Variables and function name are nothing but an identifier because they are created by user they are not pre-defined.

·   Meaning of identifier is not defined to compiler and that’s why they get differ from keywords.

What is String?

·   String is nothing but array of Character which has end character ‘\0’ null.
·      This Null character of string states that String has reached to its end.

·      String always enclosed within double quotes (“”).

·      Array is used to store string in C language.

·      Example:- char name[4]=”Welcome To TechGeek-Mayur”.

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