How to run Jenkins build manually ?
How to run Jenkins build manually ?
Hello Readers,
Today I'm going to write post about how you can start Jenkins build manually.
I'm writing this post with keeping in mind that it will be helpful for beginners if they stuck at some point.
So lets start it.
- If you have JIRA issue you can see build failure or success on right side section of issue click on it .
- In case your build is not running you can check on whatever status your able to see in your right hand side section of Pull Request where build information is mention click on it.
- When Jenkins page opens you need to put down your PR no. And search it.
- You will see your PR builds there.
- Now click on one of build your seeing.
- After clicking on it you will be able to see your pull request information along with some important options on left side section of page.
- If your build is not running yet. You see one option in left hand side section named as Build with Parameters.
- You need to click on it. And you will see page where you will see option to build you don't need to specify any information if it is auto field.
- Now you can run your build by clicking on that build button.
- And that's how you can run your build.
I hope this will help you to check and start your Jenkins build.
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