Learn Set in Java.

Learn Set in Java

Hello Readers,

Today we will see what is Set in Java.

Set is nothing but a interface which is a part of Collection framework and utils package.

Set Implement Collection interface and implemented few important classes which we will see.

  • Set has below implementation :
    • HashSet
      • HashSet does not preserve insertion order istead it preserves sorting order.
      • HashSet have default capacity of 16 and has load factor of 75% which means if hashset get filled up to 75% then its capacity will get increased.
      • we also provide capacity and load factor inside its constructor parameter.
      • we can pass any collection object to hashset constructor.
      • It doesn't allow duplicate values.
      • it allow different type of objects to add.
      • Hashset have one child class which is LinkedHAshSet.
        • It preserve insertion order.
        • HashTable and Doubly Linked List are used.
        • its default capacity is 16 and other cosntructors are like hashset constructor.
        • it uses doubly linked list and hashtable for formation of linked hash set.
    • LinkedHashSet:- 
      • It is very useful implementation which help us in many way.
      • It preserve insertion order which is not happen in HashSet.
      • It allow 1 null value.
      • As it implements Set interface it obviously takes only unique element.
    • SortedSet:-
      • It is a another type of Set implemenation class.
      • It implement set interface.
      • In this set duplicates are not allowed.
      • It preserve sorting order; it store values in sorted order.
      • NavigableSet:-
        • It is a child interface which is implemented by TreeSet.
        • It have some addtional method to navigate the set.
        • TreeSet:-
          • Its a implementation class of Navigable set.
          • It preserve natural sorting order .
          • It does not allow homogeneous objects means only same type of objects are allowed.
          • It does not allow null values in it.
          • Duplicate values are not allowed.
          • there are 4 constructor:
            • TreeSet()
            • TreeSet(Comparator c)
              • for custom sorting
            • TreeSet(Collection c)
              • we can pass any collection object in it.
            • TreeSet(SortedSet s)
          • Default natural sorting is applicable for String and integer data types only. reason behind it is  compareTo() function of comparable interface is implemented by string, integer and wrapper classes.
          • Those who not implemented that comparable interface will not get natural sorting.

This was all about Set interface I hope it will help you increase your knowledge and understand easily.


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